WANTED – Tombola Stall Items

WANTED – All small items suitable for sale on a Tombola stall, which is happening as part of our Christmas Fair on Dec. 17th 2016.

All proceeds from this event are shared with charity and all contributions, particularly items suitable for children, will be gratefully received

Please deliver any suitable items to the club and leave with Elaine for safe keeping, until the day.  Please contact Elaine on 01492 593481 (Bar Hrs.) or [email protected] to advise her of items you may wish to leave in the Club.

Thank you in anticipation.

Pay Membership by Direct Debit

We have just launched the facility to pay your membership fees using Direct Debit.  Direct Debit makes the renewal process much quicker and easier for you, and you will always receive the discounted rate for early payment.

All members who have given us their email addresses should have received an invitation today from GoCardless – the company we are using to manage the payments.  Signing up is really easy using an online form, takes 5 minutes, and there’s no postage involved, so if you wish to use this service then just click on the link you received by email.  If you have more than one member at the same household and would like to pay them all on the same Direct Debit, you can do that too – just sign up once and we’ll work it out, or email us with any special requests.

If you are a member but haven’t received an email, you can still sign up by clicking here.

Note that we won’t be taking any payments until renewal time next year, and you will still be able to pay by cheque, or behind the bar by credit card, if you prefer.

Local Notice to Mariners 12/2016

Mariners are hereby advised that a special mark has been laid, situated between the Beacons Jetty and Conwy Quays Marina.

Position 53°17.56N  003°50.27W

The Yellow mark is lit QFl 6 Sec

Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc MNI
Conwy Harbour Master

Trafalgar Day

The morning started un-promisingly with rain and poor visibility, with some debate over whether it’s all worth it, but we decided to trust the weather forecast.  The live rain radar looked like the rain would sweep through.

So we headed out in full oilies.

By the time the fleet got to C6 there were signs of the sun trying to appear.  By the time we got to the start line at C1/C2, the sun was shining and there were reports of a fully costumed admiral being spotted on Mahalo.

Though apparently the admiral wasn’t aware of the correct way to wear his hat.

» Read more

Local Notice to Mariners 11/2016

Mariners are advised that a damaged pontoon remains submerged in Marina Bay representing a potential hazard to navigation; no vessels are to enter Marina Bay.   The pontoon is marked with seven yellow marker buoys.  A lit isolated danger mark has been laid in position 53° 17.365’ N 003° 49.987’ W.  Mariners are to keep to the Deganwy side of the buoy when passing.  A further notice will be issued when the pontoon has been recovered.

All mariners are advised that local notice to mariners 10/2016 is cancelled.  The wreck of the ‘Limara’ has now been recovered.

Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc MNI
Conwy Harbour Master

Conwy River Festival Quay Day

NWCC set up a stall at the River Festival this year.  As this was the first time we have run a stall, we did not know if it would work as there was competition from other similar stallholders.  With superb teamwork and team spirit, the day was a success and we made £125.

Quite a number of Club Members helped in various ways, from those donating Tombola prizes, to sticking the numbers to each prize, to the “Posse” of men the Commodore rounded up so very early on a Saturday morning to erect the Gazebo and move the equipment to and from the Quay.

In addition to the Tombola we had some home baked cakes for sale which were provided by our very own “Mary Berry” – Sue Jones.  They were delicious and so professionally packaged.

Three stalwarts of the day were the Vice Commodore, Carrie Thompson and Brenda Wilkes who managed the stall, all of the day with good humour.

Good day, good result and very worthwhile.

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