Talk by David Rainsbury

ib0226David is the author of the popular Irish Sea Pilot, a guide that many of us use when cruising the area.

The evening of the 21st May was a great success, with a very full club (standing room only) to listen and watch David give a very interesting and well received talk about his sailing experiences, as well as advice and tips on sailing in the Irish Sea and the wider area.

Based on this success, we would like to continue to invite interesting speakers so if you have any ideas or would like to recommend someone, please get in touch at [email protected].

Caernarfon Cruise

The second event of the year was the Shakedown Cruise, over the May Day Bank Holiday.  Thanks to all the hardy sailors – Myfanwy, Pisces, Split Decision, Night Song, Mahalo, Sunya and Amanzi – for joining in with the annual attempt to go round Anglesey. Yet again the weather beat us as it was far too windy to cross the Caernarfon Bar on Sunday morning so we elected to sail to Caernarfon and back to Conwy instead, stopping at Dylans and Fu’s for refreshments as we went.

As it turned out both Saturday and Sunday were excellent sails and on Sunday we managed to sail all the way from Caernarfon back to Conwy under head-sail.  See below for a compilation video of the weekend.

ActiveCaptain and eBoatCards

3e0d6ed7-c26a-4f74-b228-2da14e507df6ActiveCaptain is a worldwide cruising guide that anyone can contribute to – it includes anchorages, harbours and marinas as well as hazards, all reported by users and continually updated.  Users add reviews and comments so you can see where you might like to visit (or avoid).

eBoatCards is a social network for boaters – you join as a boat, not a person, and it includes private messaging, public posting, blogs and groups. The two systems are connected so you only need a single login for both.  If you and your friends run the ActiveCaptain Locations app on your phone, it will plot all your positions so you can see where they are.

NWCC now has a group, so come and join in.

2016 Yearbook

b7c9a9ba-ed32-456c-af6d-18aa4c10c47eThe year book has now been published, pick up your copy from the clubhouse.  Take an extra couple of copies if you like – give one to a friend to encourage them to join the club.  An electronic version has also been published on the website, access it from here.

We’re already compiling the next edition, so if you have any stories, photographs or other interesting information, or if you have an idea for an article and would like to talk about it, please contact us on [email protected].

New Newsletter

We have revamped the way we send out club emails, and have reinstated the monthly newsletter. We are using an online emailing system for these, and will also be using it for occasional ad-hoc emails about news and events so hopefully the style will be more consistent and the content will be clear and understandable.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please get in touch at [email protected].

Hot Drinks in Bar

We now have a hot drinks machine in the clubhouse.  This serves coffee, tea, hot chocolate and soup (all just £ 1) and is available even when the bar is closed. Drop your payment into the honesty box.

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