Local Notice to Mariners 12/2016

Mariners are hereby advised that a special mark has been laid, situated between the Beacons Jetty and Conwy Quays Marina.

Position 53°17.56N  003°50.27W

The Yellow mark is lit QFl 6 Sec

Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc MNI
Conwy Harbour Master

Trafalgar Day

The morning started un-promisingly with rain and poor visibility, with some debate over whether it’s all worth it, but we decided to trust the weather forecast.  The live rain radar looked like the rain would sweep through.

So we headed out in full oilies.

By the time the fleet got to C6 there were signs of the sun trying to appear.  By the time we got to the start line at C1/C2, the sun was shining and there were reports of a fully costumed admiral being spotted on Mahalo.

Though apparently the admiral wasn’t aware of the correct way to wear his hat.

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Local Notice to Mariners 11/2016

Mariners are advised that a damaged pontoon remains submerged in Marina Bay representing a potential hazard to navigation; no vessels are to enter Marina Bay.   The pontoon is marked with seven yellow marker buoys.  A lit isolated danger mark has been laid in position 53° 17.365’ N 003° 49.987’ W.  Mariners are to keep to the Deganwy side of the buoy when passing.  A further notice will be issued when the pontoon has been recovered.

All mariners are advised that local notice to mariners 10/2016 is cancelled.  The wreck of the ‘Limara’ has now been recovered.

Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc MNI
Conwy Harbour Master

Conwy River Festival Quay Day

NWCC set up a stall at the River Festival this year.  As this was the first time we have run a stall, we did not know if it would work as there was competition from other similar stallholders.  With superb teamwork and team spirit, the day was a success and we made £125.

Quite a number of Club Members helped in various ways, from those donating Tombola prizes, to sticking the numbers to each prize, to the “Posse” of men the Commodore rounded up so very early on a Saturday morning to erect the Gazebo and move the equipment to and from the Quay.

In addition to the Tombola we had some home baked cakes for sale which were provided by our very own “Mary Berry” – Sue Jones.  They were delicious and so professionally packaged.

Three stalwarts of the day were the Vice Commodore, Carrie Thompson and Brenda Wilkes who managed the stall, all of the day with good humour.

Good day, good result and very worthwhile.

Conway Yacht Club Inaugural Regatta

Conway Yacht Club ran their first ever regatta on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th June, and entry was open to NWCC members.  The weekend was a great success, here is a summary from their Sailing Captain Keith Munro:

So, we had our first Regatta and from the turnout became to be a very successful event. A number of thanks you’s I’d like to get off my chest. Firstly our Race Officer for the weekend, Richard Stagg and his team, the Sailing Committee for pulling the event together. Everyone involved with the BBQ Saturday evening and finally all the people who took part sailing in the Regatta.

We had a total of 15 boats racing;
Sarissa from Bay of Colwyn SC.
Penny Diamond and Mahalo from North Wales Cruising Club.
Predator affiliated to Penmaenmawr SC.
COD’s Seiriol, Minnie, Gwalch, Phoenix, Musetta, Swn Y Don, Akushla and cruisers, Seren Y Mor, North Star, Calva and Talaris from Conway Yacht Club.
A great turnout.

Any feedback with regard to the event would be very much appreciated. Many thanks for your support and look forward to seeing you out on the water soon.

Keith Munro, Conway Yacht Club Sailing Captain


2016 Spring Cruise

May 28th – Conwy to Lynas

d80cdd1f-8d50-4146-9462-421b8c74f742Split Decision, Myfanwy, Deva, Tessa and Pisces departed from Conwy early afternoon in sunshine and sailed straight into a very heavy shower.  By the time we had reached Lynas it was back in to sunshine and Myfanwy, Deva, Tessa and Pisces settled down for the night at anchor in light North Easterly winds.  I have never been in to the bay myself and it was a pleasant surprise to find how sheltered it was although there seemed to be a bit of a swell at times, possibly as the tide turned.  Tessa was well photographed as the sun set behind her before we all turned in for the night.

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BJ Clark Trophy

Five Boats took part in the BJ Clark Trophy race on the 21st of May – Comrades, Myfanwy, Penny Diamond, Seren y Mor and White Water. In a brisk westerly breeze the course was set as Abbey Buoy to Fairway back to Long Outfall and finish at Abbey Buoy.

Seren y Mor quickly took the lead and never looked back to finish the course in an impressive 58 minutes 25 seconds on corrected time and is the winner of the BJ Clark trophy.  16 minutes behind was Penny Diamond and a further 4 mins behind was Myfanwy followed by a brave showing by Mike Gell sailing single handed on Whitewater.  Comrades retired on the upwind leg but Bob’s new mast which was a tree not so long ago stood up to the test of some strong gusts and must give Bob confidence for its future.

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