Conwy Harbour

Conwy harbour offers good shelter from all directions except in strong winds from North to North West when there can be some swell in the river. Conwy Marina is located near the river entrance to Starboard, and Deganwy Marina is a little further up to Port. There are also numerous swinging moorings, some available for Visitors via the Harbour Office – 01492 596253 or VHF channel 14.
Despite rumours, it is not that difficult to enter – just follow the buoyed channel from the Fairway buoy up to at least 3 hours either side of high water.
Water is available on the town quay and from the floating fuel pontoon on the quay wall (accessible ≈ HW ±2h), and general provisions are available in the town. A large Tesco superstore is located 20 minutes walk away in Llandudno Junction, just across the bridge.
Marine diesel, bottled gas and chandlery are available at both marinas – call on VHF channel 80 before entering. Diesel is also available from the floating fuel pontoon on the quay (accessible ≈ HW ±2h) by prior arrangement with the Harbour Office – 01492 596253 or VHF channel 14.
Visiting Conwy by boat? If you arrange to pick up a mooring in the harbour, the launch will take you ashore and the town is just a 2 minute walk.
All visiting yachtsmen are very welcome.
The town quay has a scrubbing berth which may be used by arrangement with the Harbour Office.
There are good rail and coach links to Liverpool and the Northwest, the Midlands and Holyhead from nearby Llandudno Junction.
Further details about the harbour and current buoy positions can be obtained from the harbour’s own Website which is part of the Conwy Council Website.
Conwy River Channels at Low Water
Some of our members have been taking drone footage and photos of the Conwy River channels at low water, to help with navigating the area.
The following photos were taken in late September 2023 on a low tide of 0.5m.

The following drone footage was taken in early September 2023 on a low tide of 0.8m: