May Music Night

On the 25th May we had another fun music night in the club, with plenty of members enjoying the fine entertainment. Read on for a selection of videos and pictures from the night.
Sailing in Company since 1928
On the 25th May we had another fun music night in the club, with plenty of members enjoying the fine entertainment. Read on for a selection of videos and pictures from the night.
There was a good audience for the second music night of the year, which was held at the end of April, so thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed the music.
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The Club was packed out last Saturday for the fitting out supper. This was the first time we have used the new caterers for a hot buffet, and it was very successful – there was nothing left at the end, anyway! We also held a prize raffle and for some reason John was especially keen on getting his hands on one particular prize…
The evening was buzzing and busy, here are some pictures: » Read more
The monthly music nights have kicked off for 2017 – the first took place on Thursday 30th March. The music was great but the musicians deserve a larger audience, so please put the last Thursday of every month into your diary. Here are a couple of pictures and videos from the night, to give you a taster:
On Saturday 25th March the Club held a Big Quiz Night. There were three teams each with four members: “ForTunes”, “Llandudno Mob”, “Pensarn Pests” and one team with three, “Billy no Mates”, hence the name.
On Saturday 4 March 20 members gathered in the Chart Room for a delightful three course dinner. The room was suitably adorned with Welsh flags and lovely Daffodils on the table. After dinner, musical entertainment was provided by the Conwy’s.
Thanks are expressed to the Commodore, Vice Commodore and Bob Angell for spending time setting up the room.
The great and the good (not to mention, some of the others too) gathered on Saturday 28th January to celebrate Burn’s Night. The Chart Room was completely full for the meal, which started with the welcome and Selkirk Grace given by the Commodore, followed by a first class Scotch broth. The excellent haggis was addressed and cut by our President and was then demolished, with plenty for seconds and even thirds for the adventurous. The meal was topped off with cranachan cheesecake / whisky trifle and a toast to the lassies was given by Ken Robinson, with Carrie Thompson responding on behalf of the lassies. It’s something of a miracle that Ken made it through the night, considering Mary’s dagger stare could have cut a haggis! Finally, the Membership Secretary gave a fine rendition of the Drunken Scotsman.
The club was full of fun and entertainment on our annual New Year’s Eve party.
Thank you to the Conwy’s for providing the music.
Father Christmas and his merry band of helpers delighted us all with his visit to the Club on Saturday 17 December. He emerged from Conwy Quay into the Clubhouse with a strong following of children eager to meet him in Santa’s Grotto.
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The club’s annual dinner dance took place at the George Hotel on the 26th November. It was great to see everyone scrubbed up, though one or two of the sailing fraternity were hard to recognise without their oilies on!
It was also really good to see our overseas contingent in attendance, and the lifeboat crew were also extremely welcome, providing professional backup in case anyone had trouble navigating the waterfront afterwards.