Call to all Journalists, Authors and Photographers

While you are enjoying your sailing, or just dreaming about the sea, please take a few photos and jot down a few words as a caption about your experiences for inclusion in the Club Yearbook.
Your Yearbook Needs You!
Those who would like to write longer articles with photos included, say 500-1000 words and up to 6 photos that will stand reducing to about 20×50 mm for printing, would be very welcome too; that could include:
- Trip Reports
- Short Stories
- Articles of general interest
- Technical Notes
Look in the 2016 Yearbook for examples of the articles and photos that were published this year.
Including Other People’s Work
You can of course use your own material for the articles but if you do want to use other people’s material or photos, please let the editor have a copy of the copyright holder’s permission to publish the item in the yearbook.
Inclusion of web addresses to other authors’ original articles does not need permission and one can quote small extracts from other authors’ work with the inclusion of a reference to the original article, without the need for permission.
The yearbook editor will be happy to advise on copyright matters.
How to Contribute
Please send all material (unlocked) including photos by email as one of: .pdf; .doc; .pub; .xls and .jpg files to Alan Courtney, Commodore for consideration and he will forward suitable material to the yearbook editor for processing.
(The editor can also type up hand written or paper-typed articles, and line drawings in black ink if required, but has no facility to reproduce photograph prints.)
There is a page limit due to cost for the yearbook so the articles may need to be edited, unless the author does not wish that to be done, or held over to the next year if they are not date-critical.
Click here to get in touch to discuss contributing.
Articles must be submitted before February 1st for inclusion in the 2017 yearbook, and earlier if possible. Please include an email address so the editor can contact you; the address will remain confidential to the club officers and editor and will not be published.
If you want to advertise in the Yearbook, please contact the Advertising Managers – Austin Goudge and Bryan Hughes.