Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 10/2018

The highest of the fixed marks on the 231º transit below the Britannia Bridge F.W has now been reinstated to the charted characteristic.

53º 12’.89 N 004º 11’.08 W

Mariners are advised that this notice hereby cancels Notice 09/2018.

David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr
Caernarfon Harbour Master

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 09/2018

The highest of the fixed marks on the 231º transit below the Britannia Bridge F.W has failed and has been temporally replaced with a F.G light.

53º 12’.89 N 004º 11’.08 W

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in this area.

David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr
Caernarfon Harbour Master

Local Notice to Mariners 06/2018

All mariners are advised that the UK National Armed Forces Day will be held at Llandudno on Saturday 30 June 2018. A marine exclusion area, as per the appended charts, will be in force for the duration of the air display from 1150 until 1310. Patrol craft with a police and military presence will be enforcing the exclusion area. Mariners are requested to co-operate and respect the exclusion area as any incursions will result in cancellation of the air display. Provision has been made for vessels to anchor inside of a line running between the Pier and Venue Cymru starboard hand mark.

Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc MNI
Conwy Harbour Master

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 08/2018

On Saturday the 19th and 20th of May Caernarfon Harbour is hosting the Aqua Adrenaline Tour Powerboat racing.

Navigation inside the BLUE area is strictly prohibited during the racing times.

The orange areas will be waiting areas for vessel wishing to navigate through the blue area between races. The red area is reserved for vessels accessing and egressing Doc Fictoria. Authorisation to navigate into the red or blue area must be sought from the Dock Master on VHF Ch.80.

Race Times


Course Familiarisation 12.45 13:00
Race 1 – 25 Min + Lap 13:00 13:45
Race – 25 Min + Lap 14:00 14:45


Race 3 – 25 mins + Lap 13.15 14:00
Race 4 – 25 mins + Lap 14.15 15:00

David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master

Launch out of Service

Unfortunately the Club launch is currently out of service due to technical issues.  We are hoping to have it repaired on Thursday but will post another update when we know more.

The Club apologises for any inconvenience this may be causing.

NWCC Committee.

Local Notice to Mariners 05/2018

All mariners are hereby advised that scheduled dredging activities will be taking place at the Conwy Harbour access jetty (opposite the Liverpool Arms) for the next two to three weeks.  The work boat ‘Jac y Do’ will be restricted in her ability during dredging operations and mariners are requested to keep 25m clearance.

Should jetty access be required during operations then the vessel should be contacted on VHF channel 14.  A further notice will be issued when dredging operations are complete.


Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc MNI
Conwy Harbour Master

AnchorBuddy Mobile App for Anchoring

We are delighted to announce the release of AnchorBuddy – an app for mobile devices to assist when calculating the depth to anchor and scope to use.

It has been developed by two Club members – Stephen Gorst and Austin Goudge – and is completely free to use.  It doesn’t require an Internet connection once it’s downloaded and is available for both iOS and Android (phone and tablet).

The Club even gets a mention in the credits!

Download it from the following links:


Puffin Island Seal Spotting

The Puffin Island trip was scheduled to take place on Saturday the 31st of March but as the forecast was poor we rescheduled it for Sunday the 1st of April.  In contrast to the Saturday the weather on Sunday was dry with light easterly winds but spectacularly cold.  I believe there was actually a frost in the marina early in the morning.  2 boats braved the cold leaving Conwy to go on the trip – Myself Lorraine and Austin on Free Will and Trevor and Sue Wilson on Annica.  Meanwhile Steve and Yvonne Wade and their family left Caernarfon to rejoin us in Conwy after a winter in Victoria Dock.  On Free Will we took it as an opportunity to try out all the equipment.  The autohelm initially took us in circles but when we moved the electric dinghy pump out of the bulkhead locker to a locker further away from the autohelms’ compass, order was restored.  We then took advantage of the easterly winds and raised the Spinnaker in full view of the CYC boats who were having a race around the bay.  Although a bit rusty in our setting up we raised it the right way up and spared our blushes.  We then had a good sail all the way to Puffin Island where we met the Bay of Colwyn boats returning to Rhos after a weekend in Menai Bridge.

All in all it was a good trip out and we returned to the mooring closely followed by Steve and Yvonne Wade on Split Decision.

The winning boat with some splendid seal pictures was Split Decision and I’d like to welcome them back to Conwy.

It was a bit disappointing not to see more club boats out but given that it was a very early Easter and many club boats were still ashore it was understandable.  Hopefully there will be a bigger turnout for the next event.

Steve Gorst, Sailing Captain

Local Notice to Mariners 04/2018

All mariners are advised that moorings have been laid in the following positions

  • No. 1 Marked by unlit red buoy in position 53° 18’.032 N 003° 50’.516 W
  • No. 2 Marked by unlit yellow buoy in position 53° 18’.057 N 003° 50’.552 W

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