August Pursuit Race

As the river festival racing was cancelled this year, we organised an impromptu race on Quay Day.

6 Boats took part in the race: Firecrest, Calva, Wednesday’s Child, Anastasia, Free Will and Pinch of Thyme. The course was C1-C2 start line followed by Puffin to Port and back to C1-C2.

The first boat Firecrest set off at 13:25 and the last boat Pinch of Thyme set off at 13:37 with the task of catching Firecrest before 15:25 » Read more

Summer Fair Quay Day

We had a successful day with the Tombola stall on the Quay and made £86 which was not as much as last year, but it all adds to the pot!!  It was good fun and worth the effort.

Quite a number of Club Members helped in various ways, from those donating Tombola prizes, to sticking the numbers to each prize, to the Commodore and a couple of “elves” erecting the Gazebo and moving the equipment to and from the Quay. A good team effort.

Three stalwarts of the day were the Vice Commodore, Carrie Thompson and Brenda Wilkes who managed the stall, all of the day with good humour.

Good day, good result and very worthwhile.

Many thanks to everyone who helped.

Alan Courtney, Commodore

Tombola Prizes Needed!

We urgently need prizes for the tombola stand on the Conwy River Festival Quay Day. The club would appreciate any unwanted gifts including children’s toys.

If you would like to donate anything please drop it off in the clubhouse on or before Saturday 19th.

The Big One Weekend

The plan was to have a pursuit race in the bay followed by a BBQ on the Pontoon. The race was also open to non members but the cup could only be won by a member. Just to complicate matters the first test of the British Lions was being held that morning so the British Legion kindly opened up for us and served us some excellent breakfasts. It’s a shame the match didn’t go the way we hoped but the Lions did score at least one excellent try.

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May Pursuit Race

The May pursuit race was entered by Free Will, Lindos, Pinch of Thyme, Comrades, Mahalo, Penny Diamond and JDV. The conditions on the day were quite blustery and promised to provide us with a fast race. Unfortunately Lindos had engine problems in the morning and had to retire but the rest of us carried on into the Bay.

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