Launch Operations Re-Commence

In line with the latest announcements from the Welsh Government, the launch will be running for passenger service again from 1st June, with the following restrictions in force:
- Only one “Household” may be taken on the launch at any one time. This can be any number from a single household living together.
- Social distancing must be adhered to, keeping a 2m gap between the launch operator and the passengers.
- Nobody exhibiting COVID symptoms will be permitted to board.
- Surfaces on the launch will be disinfected after every passenger trip.
- Hand sanitiser will be provided for passenger use on board.
- Pre-bookings by phone only. The launch operators will NOT be taking bookings by VHF.
- ONLY LOCAL BOAT OWNERS PERMITTED. If visiting your boat, you must live within 5 miles of Conwy to conform to the Government restrictions.
Please be sensible and courteous when using the launch, take personal precautions to avoid infection and be patient – because the launch can only take one household at a time, you may not be able to get a pick-up at exactly the time you request.
I hope you all stay safe and well.
Austin Goudge
NWCC Commodore