Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 20/2020

Harbour Masters General Direction

5 knot speed limit

By virtue of the provisions of Sec. 52 Harbour, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847, Port and harbour of Caernarfon Harbour Master has made the following General Direction:

  1. This Direction is given to Masters 1 and persons having command or charge of any vessel 2 other than those vessels listed in paragraph 4(i) to 4(v)
  2. This Direction applies at all times and in the area north of the existing and active speed limit at Y Felinheli. (Now known as the “Y Felinheli to Garreg Ginnog” Area of General Direction). The “Y Felinheli to Garreg Ginnog” means the area below the level of mean high water spring tides bounded by a line drawn along the northern extent of the existing charted speed limit at Y Felinheli and through to a new line drawn from a point 53 ̊12. 30’N 004 ̊12. 44’W to a point 53 ̊12. 40’ N 044 ̊12. 82’W. (Illustrative chart extract at end of NtoM).
  3. At the Northern and Southern extent of the entire speed limit. Special Marks will be positioned to demark the area.
  4. This Direction is not given to Masters and persons having command
    or charge of vessels:
    • (i) used by search and rescue organisations
    • (ii) of the Caernarfon Harbour Authority
    • (iii) of HM Customs and Excise
    • (iv) used in Commercial operations.
    • (v) used as safety boats by Yacht and Sailing Clubs and other such organisations when engaged in operations where complying with this Direction would inhibit their ability to fulfil their function as a safety boat
  5. No vessel, except those listed in paragraphs 3(i) to 3(v), shall proceed at a speed of greater than 5 knots through the water.
  6. This Direction is given notwithstanding the requirements of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 3 and The Port and Harbour of Caernarfon Bylaws 1991 4.
  7. Not to comply with this Direction is a criminal offence for which the person having command or charge of the vessel may be prosecuted 5.
  8. The Harbour Master or his deputies will be actively monitoring the compliance with this General Directive.

David John O’Neill
Caernarfon Harbour Master

Blue area denotes existing speed limit. Yellow area denotes new area of General Direction.

1 Sec.3 Harbour, Docks and Pier Clauses Act 1847

2 As defined in the Port and Harbour of Caernarfon Bylaws 1991.

3 Merchant Shipping (Distress Signals and Prevention of Collisions) Regulations 1996 [SI 75/1996]

4 Port and Harbour of Caernarfon Bylaws 1991.

5 Sec.3 and Sec.53 Harbour, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847

Owners, Agents Charterers, Marinas, Yacht Clubs and Recreational Sailing Organisations should ensure that the contents of this Notice are made known to the master or persons in charge of their vessel or craft.

Trinity House Notice to Mariners 14/2020

Trwyn Du Lighthouse

Latitude 53º 18.777’N., Longitude 004º 02.440’W.

Date: On or about 17th August, 2020.


  1. Nominal range of navigation light to be reduced to 9 nautical miles. Characteristics and composition remain unaltered.
  2. New Fog signal to be exhibited giving 1 blast of 3 seconds duration every 30 seconds.

No further notice will be given.

By Order,

Captain R.H.Barker,
Director of Navigational Requirements.

Trinity House,
21st July, 2020.

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 18/2020

Aid to navigation Starboard No C1 Fl G 5s is not on its appropriate station.

APPROPRIATE STATION – 53° 07’.212 N 004° 24’.491 W
PRESENT POSITION – 53° 07’.287 N 004° 24’.427 W

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in this area.

David John O’Neill
Caernarfon Harbour Master

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 17/2020

Aid to navigation Port No C8 Fl R 3s is on its appropriate station.

Present position 53° 07’.62 N 004° 19’.42 W
Previous position 53° 07’.62 N 004° 19’.519 W

David John O’Neill
Caernarfon Harbour Master

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 16/2020

Aid to navigation Port No C6 Fl R 5s is on its appropriate station.

Present position 53° 07’.15 N 004° 21’.96 W
Previous position 53° 07’.165 N 004° 21’.918 W

David John O’Neill
Caernarfon Harbour Master

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 14/2020

Y Fenai – Siart 1464 – Menai Strait – Chart 1464

Amendment to temporary change to current operational procedures at the Aber Swing Bridge dated 08/04/20

The bridge will be open to pedestrians, closed to Navigating vessels from 07:00 until 23:00 each day until further notice.

In the event the bridge requires opening to Allow Navigating vessels to freely pass. Mariners are advised to request a gate operation through the numbers below.

We have three trained members of the Gwynedd Councils Bridge operating team available to respond to requests to open the bridge – please provide a minimum half hour notice, more wherever possible.

  1. William Derek Jones on 01286 676689 or 07836 360616
  2. Eryl Bryn Davies on 07747 013477
  3. Dafydd Roberts on 01286 831521 or 07903 586937

In the very unlikely scenario a response has not been received from the above, please contact Gerallt Hughes on 07970 975519 who can contact and mobilise maintenance engineers to attend to open the bridge.

David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr

Caernarfon Harbour Master

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 13/2020

Aid to navigation Llanddwyn Island “South West Rock” South Cardinal Y.B is not on its appropriate station.

53° 07.810’ N 004° 25.060 W

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in this area.

David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master

Conwy Notice to Mariners 05/2020

Mariners are advised that from 00:01 on Monday 1st June 2020, recreational boat owners are permitted to use their boats within Conwy Harbour for recreational purposes, as part of their local daily exercise and recreation away from their homes, but not for overnight accommodation. Mariners must follow Welsh Government Guidelines and only be accompanied by persons permanently residing at the same address or, where the vessel is of a sufficient size and design to maintain social distancing, with persons from a different household subject to the current regulations. The rules regarding ‘Staying Local’ apply and as such Mariners must consider the amended regulations when deciding to travel to their vessels.

Mariners based within Conwy and Deganwy Marinas should consult with their berth provider regarding the level of access to their vessels currently permitted and comply with any instructions to ensure the safety of Staff and other users.

Mariners are reminded of the following requirement regarding travel as announced by Welsh Government on Friday 28th May:

To allow more outdoor activity we are also amending the requirement to ‘stay at home’ to one to ‘stay local’. This means that as long as you are within your local geographical area and are outside, you will no longer be subject to the numerous restrictions that apply today.

The same restrictions as now will apply when a person wants to travel outside their local area. We will provide guidance to help people to understand how to interpret ‘local’ in this context, using five miles as a guide but recognising this is a flexible concept which can vary depending on people’s circumstances.

Many vessels within the Harbour will not have been used for a considerable time. In order to minimise the need for the emergency services to be mobilised, potentially placing them and you at risk, the following conditions should apply:

  • The latest weather forecast should be obtained and vessels are to be checked and inspected thoroughly before leaving the berth. This should include ensuring that all boat systems and engines are operating correctly and all equipment is in date and operating as it should.
  • Lifejackets or buoyancy aids should be worn by all on-board for your own safety.
  • Mariners are urged to exercise good seamanship, courtesy, patience and common sense as they begin to move around the Harbour.
  • The skipper and crew of all vessels are required to follow government guidance in relation to Covid-19 to protect themselves and others they may come into contact with.

Please note that the advice contained here is very new and Conwy Harbour Authority and other marine businesses, Marinas and Clubs around the Harbour will need to adjust their routines and ensure that the risk from infection of Covid-19 can be reduced by adhering to social distancing guidelines.

Please be considerate and allow staff time to assess the level of service they are able to provide. This is for your safety and that of the emergency services and the NHS.

Conwy Harbour Authority will continue to review the situation and any new Welsh Government guidance. We appreciate your continued support in maintaining safe and efficient Harbour operations whilst being able to enjoy the benefits of getting afloat.

Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc MNI
Conwy Harbour Master

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