Conwy Notice to Mariners 13/2019

All mariners please be advised that an aerobatic display will be taking place in Colwyn Bay on 5th October 2019.  The display window is between 1500-1800 local time (BST).  All vessel are requested not to enter the display area during this period.  The display area is marked with a red boundary on the map below. Two guard vessels will be in attendance to the east and west of the display area.

Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc MNI
Conwy Harbour Master

Restricted Club Opening Hours – September

Because of limited holiday cover, the opening hours for the Clubhouse for some of September will be limited as follows:

DateClubhouse Opening Hours
Wednesday 11th September09:00 – 23:30
Thursday 12th September11:30 – 23:30
Friday 13th September11:30 – 23:30
Saturday 14th September11:30 – 23:30
Sunday 15th September11:30 – 14:00
Monday 16th SeptemberClosed all day
Tuesday 17th September10:00 – 23:30

Please note the above are Clubhouse opening hours, for members with keycards, not bar opening hours. The bar will be open according to the usual Summer schedule.

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 22/2019

Aid to navigation Llanddwyn Island “South East Rock” South Cardinal Y.B is now on its appropriate station.

53° 07.820’ N 004° 25.040 W

Mariners are advised that this notice hereby replaces Notice 21/2019

David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr
Caernarfon Harbour Master

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 21/2019

Aid to navigation Llanddwyn Island “South East Rock” South Cardinal Y.B is not on station.

53°07.820’ N 004°25.040 W

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in this area.

David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr
Caernarfon Harbour Master

Morlais Tidal Energy Public Meeting

We have had a message from the Morlais Tidal Stream Energy Project, announcing a public meeting this afternoon.

We would like to invite you to an information drop in session on the Morlais tidal stream energy project. The event will be another opportunity to learn more about the project and for you to have a say on the development.

30/07/2019 – We will be at the Trearddur Bay Village Hall, LL65 2YJ between 4pm & 7pm 

The main aim of Morlais is to benefit local communities, the economy and environment through the generation of renewable low carbon electricity using tidal stream energy. The first stage of the project looks to secure consent for the development of Morlais, with community consultation playing a key part in this. Submission of the consent application is planned for September.

More information will be available at the event, and our staff will be on hand to answer your questions.

We would be delighted to welcome you and we would also be grateful it if you could extend this invitation to groups or individuals who you think may have an interest in the project.

Please contact us if you would like further information or to discuss the project in more detail.

Morlais Tidal Energy Project

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 20/2019

Aid to navigation Starboard No C1 Fl G 5s is now lit and on its appropriate station.

53° 07’.044 N 004° 24’.431 W

Mariners are advised that this notice hereby replaces Notice 19/2019

David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr
Caernarfon Harbour Master

Conwy Notice to Mariners 09/2019

All mariners are advised that the vessel “Rocky” lies sunk between the inner and outer pontoon in the main Harbour channel at Conwy Harbour.

The vessel is marked with an isolated danger mark and the coordinates are :-

53° 17’00.03 N
003° 49’39.08 W

Mariners are advised not to attempt to transit between the pontoons until this notice is cancelled.

Salvage operations will commence as soon as practicable.

A further notice will be issued when the wreck is removed.

Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc MNI
Conwy Harbour Master

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