Coronavirus and The Club

Dear members,
It is with heavy heart that I write this, but due to the fast moving situation and in light of the recent Government advice, we need to make some significant changes at the Club.
Bar is Now Closed Until Further Notice
The Government has stated that all unnecessary social contact should be avoided, and that nobody should visit Bars, Restaurants, Theatres, Cinemas or other places whether groups of people gather.
Therefore the Club Bar is now shut and will not reopen until the situation improves. This is to protect our members and Elaine our Steward.
Obviously this means that all social events are also cancelled until further notice.
Sailing Events are Going Ahead
We can see no reason for cancelling our on-the-water event programme, so for the moment our sailing events will still be going ahead. There will be no briefings held at the Club, so Steve will be keeping you updated on event details via WhatsApp. We just ask that you are sensible and socially isolate as much as possible during these events.

If you are a sailing member and not already on our WhatsApp group, please click here to find out how to join. You need to be logged in to see this page.
Clubhouse and Facilities Will Remain Open
The front door of the Club will be opened on the usual schedule, and showering, washing and drying facilities will be available to all members with an active membership card.
Launch will Continue to Run
Mark and Keith are continuing to operate the launch on the usual hours for the moment. We will update you if operating hours are changed or if the launch stops operating altogether.
Of course, the situation may change and if the Government enforces a complete lock-down then we will review our decisions.
I can only apologise to all for the drastic measures, which I know will impact many members, but this is a situation that none of us can ignore and we need to act accordingly.
I wish you all the best, stay safe and healthy and we will see you soon.
Best wishes,
Commodore, NWCC