Year Book

While you have been enjoying your sailing, or just dreaming about the sea, you have hopefully taken a few photos and jotted down a few words about your experiences for inclusion in the Club Yearbook.
Sailing in Company since 1928
While you have been enjoying your sailing, or just dreaming about the sea, you have hopefully taken a few photos and jotted down a few words about your experiences for inclusion in the Club Yearbook.
The Cruising Association has re-launched its petition to get the government to improve the way fishing gear is marked at sea. The previous petition was cancelled earlier in the year because of the general election.
If you agree that fishing gear should be better marked, click here to add your name. Note that if you signed it last time around you need to re-sign this new petition as the previous names were not carried forward.
NWCC is currently in equal 2nd place in the world for participants in the Bart’s Bash league table!
Let’s keep us up there – Sign up by clicking here.
We had a successful day with the Tombola stall on the Quay and made £86 which was not as much as last year, but it all adds to the pot!! It was good fun and worth the effort.
Quite a number of Club Members helped in various ways, from those donating Tombola prizes, to sticking the numbers to each prize, to the Commodore and a couple of “elves” erecting the Gazebo and moving the equipment to and from the Quay. A good team effort.
Three stalwarts of the day were the Vice Commodore, Carrie Thompson and Brenda Wilkes who managed the stall, all of the day with good humour.
Good day, good result and very worthwhile.
Many thanks to everyone who helped.
Alan Courtney, Commodore
We urgently need prizes for the tombola stand on the Conwy River Festival Quay Day. The club would appreciate any unwanted gifts including children’s toys.
If you would like to donate anything please drop it off in the clubhouse on or before Saturday 19th.
The NWCC is now affiliated with the RYA.
But what does this mean for you? Affiliation gives the Club access to a range of services and benefits: » Read more
The Club was packed out last Saturday for the fitting out supper. This was the first time we have used the new caterers for a hot buffet, and it was very successful – there was nothing left at the end, anyway! We also held a prize raffle and for some reason John was especially keen on getting his hands on one particular prize…
The evening was buzzing and busy, here are some pictures: » Read more
The monthly music nights have kicked off for 2017 – the first took place on Thursday 30th March. The music was great but the musicians deserve a larger audience, so please put the last Thursday of every month into your diary. Here are a couple of pictures and videos from the night, to give you a taster:
On Saturday 25th March the Club held a Big Quiz Night. There were three teams each with four members: “ForTunes”, “Llandudno Mob”, “Pensarn Pests” and one team with three, “Billy no Mates”, hence the name.
The 2017 yearbook has been completed and printed, and copies are now available in the club – please pick up your copy and also feel free to take a couple of extras to hand out to prospective members.
The electronic version has also been published to the website and is available for reading online here.
We’re now collecting content for the next edition, so if you have any stories, photographs or other interesting information, or if you have an idea for an article and would like to talk about it, please contact us on [email protected]
A huge thanks goes out to all contributors, but especially to John Alder for all his hard work in compiling the book.