Club boats outside Liverpool Marina entrance

Big Discounts on Online Training

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Train with us online - Realistic Scenarios, Guaranteed Pass. All RYA accredited. Use mobile, desktop and tablets.

  • RYA Day Skipper Online - £245.00
  • RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Offshore Online - £245.00
  • Combined RYA Day Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Online - £390.00
  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean Online - £245.00
  • Combined RYA Yachtmaster Offshore and RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean Online - £390.00

Not sure?  We have some example modules - try before you buy: Day Skipper Module 7 – Buoyage and Coastal Skipper Module 11 – Pilotage

Remember - you only get the discounts if you sign up through us on this website - you don't even have to be a member of the Club!

About The Club

The North Wales Cruising Club was founded in 1928 for yachtsmen and boat owners who enjoy sailing to the beautiful anchorages and marinas of Anglesey and the Irish Sea.

On the water events are arranged throughout the year, including weekend trips to the Menai Strait and around Anglesey as well as longer trips which take advantage of the expansive sailing area to the Isle of Man, Ireland and the West Coast of Scotland.

We offer classroom and online RYA training courses at very competitive rates which are cheaper than many of the sailing schools in the area.

The Club has its own launch for ferrying members, crew and visitors to and from boats on Conwy River swinging moorings, pontoons, and the marinas at Conwy and Deganwy.

Visiting Conwy by boat? If you arrange to pick up a mooring in the harbour, the launch will take you ashore and the town is just a 2 minute walk. All visiting yachtsmen are very welcome.

The club has a great social programme with an extensive list of traditional and modern social events throughout the year.

Club Launch

Club Launch

The club owns and maintains its own launch, which is operational all year round for the benefit of members and their guests, as well as visiting yachtsmen.

The launch runs from Conwy Harbour to all river moorings and pontoons as well as Conwy MarinaDeganwy Marina and the floating pontoons off Deganwy and Bodlondeb Point near Conwy.

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 08/2025

Y Fenai – Siart 1464 – Menai Strait – Chart 1464

Two mooring buoys will be situated surrounding Swelly Rock from 13:00 on the 21/3/25 until a cancellation Notice to Mariners is issued. These are to allow access for routine repairs works to the AtoN. The moorings are not suitable for use and Mariners are prohibited from making use of the moorings.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in this area.

David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 07/2025

Y Fenai – Siart 1464 – Menai Strait – Chart 1464

Mariners are advised that the vessel Seven Guardian will be undertaking a small-scale scientific survey (grab sampling) between the dates below in the Caernarfon Bay Area including the approaches to Caernarfon. Sampling will take
approximately 2 days and will involve lowering and retrieving a small sediment grab sampler at locations across the bay from Porthdinllean to around the Caernarfon Bar.

Survey work: Caernarfon Bay benthic survey
Survey Period: 31/03/2025 – 18/04/2025
Survey duration: 2 days
Time on station: 15-60 mins
Sample locations: attached
Survey Vessel: Severn Guardian

This Notice is only valid for the above dates.

David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master

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