Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 09/2025
Mariners are advised that this notice herby cancels Notice 08/2025.
David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master
Sailing in Company since 1928
Mariners are advised that this notice herby cancels Notice 08/2025.
David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master
Y Fenai – Siart 1464 – Menai Strait – Chart 1464
Two mooring buoys will be situated surrounding Swelly Rock from 13:00 on the 21/3/25 until a cancellation Notice to Mariners is issued. These are to allow access for routine repairs works to the AtoN. The moorings are not suitable for use and Mariners are prohibited from making use of the moorings.
Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in this area.
David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master
Y Fenai – Siart 1464 – Menai Strait – Chart 1464
Mariners are advised that the vessel Seven Guardian will be undertaking a small-scale scientific survey (grab sampling) between the dates below in the Caernarfon Bay Area including the approaches to Caernarfon. Sampling will take
approximately 2 days and will involve lowering and retrieving a small sediment grab sampler at locations across the bay from Porthdinllean to around the Caernarfon Bar.
Survey work: Caernarfon Bay benthic survey
Survey Period: 31/03/2025 – 18/04/2025
Survey duration: 2 days
Time on station: 15-60 mins
Sample locations: attached
Survey Vessel: Severn Guardian
This Notice is only valid for the above dates.
David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master
Aid to navigation Fairway Buoy L FL10s is now on station.
53° 06’.95 N 004°25’.14 W
David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master
Aid to navigation Llanddwyn Island “South East Rock” South Cardinal, Y.B is on its appropriate station.
53°08.04′ N 004°24.46′ W
Mariners are advised to exercise extreme caution in this area.
David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master
Cancellation of No 24 (2024) and No 25 (2024) Local Notice to Mariners
All mariners are advised that C2 is back on station.
Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc AFNI
Conwy Harbour Master
Aid to navigation Port No C12 Fl(2)R.10s is now on its appropriate station.
53o 08’.49 N 004o17’.39 W
David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master
Aid to navigation Port No C2 Fl. R 10s is NOT on its appropriate station. 53° 07’.12 N 004°24’.43 W
Present position – 53° 07’.10 N 004°24’.13 W
Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in this area
David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master
All mariners are advised that Local Notice to Mariners 04/2025 is hereby cancelled.
Navigation Buoy C3 in the Conwy Harbour approach channel is now lit.
Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc AFNI
Conwy Harbour Master
All mariners are advised that navigation mark C3 in the Conwy Harbour approach channel is temporarily unlit. A cancelation notice will be issued once the issue is rectified.
Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc AFNI
Conwy Harbour Master