Social Networks
The Club has a presence across three networks: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, as well as using WhatsApp for communication. We also have a presence on Garmin’s ActiveCaptain Community, a very popular worldwide nautical cruising guide.

Our Facebook page is very active, with club activity being continually shared and discussed. This is a great place to make personal connections with other members of the Club, arrange ad-hoc meetings and events and catch up on pictures from the latest Barbecue.

Twitter is used for information sharing, to ensure our news is circulated as widely as possible – all club news items are posted.

YouTube is used to upload videos of Club events.

Our Garmin ActiveCaptain Community pin provides location and maritime information about the Club, and is now fully integrated with Navionics electronic charts.

The Club uses the WhatsApp mobile app for communication and chat between the sailing groups when out cruising. You will gain access to our WhatsApp group when you become a member.

The Club website also supports some social connectivity for members that isn’t easily done with any of the social networks, and there’s the added benefit that all members of the Club are members of the website so people are easy to find. We have private messaging, user profiles, and group discussions – any member can create a group for any purpose if they wish – you can use groups to organise ad-hoc events, for example.