Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 07/2025
Y Fenai – Siart 1464 – Menai Strait – Chart 1464
Mariners are advised that the vessel Seven Guardian will be undertaking a small-scale scientific survey (grab sampling) between the dates below in the Caernarfon Bay Area including the approaches to Caernarfon. Sampling will take
approximately 2 days and will involve lowering and retrieving a small sediment grab sampler at locations across the bay from Porthdinllean to around the Caernarfon Bar.
Survey work: Caernarfon Bay benthic survey
Survey Period: 31/03/2025 – 18/04/2025
Survey duration: 2 days
Time on station: 15-60 mins
Sample locations: attached
Survey Vessel: Severn Guardian

This Notice is only valid for the above dates.
David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master