Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 10/2023

Mariners are advised that the Tidal Gate in Dock Victoria will not be operated on Thursday morning 07:00-08:42 10/08/2023 to allow necessary work to be carried out. The gate will only be closed for the morning tide. The gate will be operational as normal on the evening tide 15:22-21:13 10/08/2023

For all vessels movement relating to the Dock please contact the Dock master on [email protected]

This Notice to mariners will expire 15:22 on the 10/08/2023

Iwan Rees-Jones
Doc Feistr Caernarfon Dock Master

Conwy Notice to Mariners 08/2023

All mariners are advised that an underwater video survey will take place between the 13th to the 21st of July 2023 (weather dependent) at the Conwy Bay wild oyster restoration site.  A copy of the location and coordinates are attached to this notice. The equipment will be deployed from Bangor University vessel, Macoma, over slack high water and recovered after 2 hours. The vessel will remain in the area throughout to monitor the equipment.

Control site vector coordinatesLATLON

Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc AFNI
Conwy Harbour Master

Conwy Notice to Mariners 07/2023

All mariners are advised that three potential elevated areas of seabed have been identified within the Wild Oyster Restoration Project gravel deployment area (see LNtM 06/23). Surveying is to be carried out and a further notice will be issued.  The coordinates supplied are as follows:

53° 18′ 45.6588” N3° 52′ 34.2588” W
53° 18′ 47.0412” N3° 52′ 33.78” W
53° 18′ 46.8612” N3° 52′ 33.6612” W

Please also find the attached annotated chart. The data has not been verified and so this message is precautionary only.

Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc AFNI
Conwy Harbour Master

Conwy Marina Notice to Mariners – June 2023

Sill Gate Maintenance

Works will commence on the 10th July 2023 for a period of approximately 5 days. All works will be carried out at basin impound when the gate is in the raised position and sill gate operations will continue as normal throughout the works.

Hoist Maintenance

The hoist will be out of action for 2 weeks from the 10th of July 2023. This temporary closure is necessary to carry out essential maintenance and ensure the safety and functionality of the hoist.

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 09/2023

Victoria Dock

Mariners are advised that until further notice the Tidal Gate in Dock Victoria will not be operated due to a gate failure.

No vessels are authorised to enter or exit the Dock without first making contact with the Dock Master.

For all vessels movement relating to the Dock please contact the Dock master on [email protected]

This Notice to mariners will expire on the 11/06/2023 if required a further Notice to Mariners will be issued on the 11/06/2023

Conwy Notice to Mariners 06/2023

All mariners are hereby advised that four number orange marker buoys will be deployed in Conwy Bay to aid gravel deployment for the Wild Oyster Restoration Project. It should be noted that these are not for any navigational warning purposes.

All other information and co-ordinates are in the attached PDF.

Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc AFNI
Conwy Harbour Master

Caernarfon Bar Buoys – April 2023

The Caernarfon Harbour Master has published the latest bar buoy positions:

SAFE WATER MARKN1796353ᵒ 07’.149 N004ᵒ25’.182 WL Fl.10s
C 1 STARBOARDN0279353ᵒ 06’.95 N004ᵒ24’.51 WFl.G.5s
C 2 PORTN0279453ᵒ 07’.02 N004ᵒ24’.09 WFl.R.10s
C 3 STARBOARDN0279553ᵒ 07’.03 N004ᵒ 23’.72 WQ.G
C 4 PORTN0279653ᵒ 07’.15 N004ᵒ23’.03  WQ.R
C 5  STARBOARDN0279753ᵒ 07’.14 N004ᵒ23’.37 WFl.G(2).5s
C 6 PORTN0279853ᵒ 07’.16 N004ᵒ21’.91WFl.R.5s
MUSSEL BANKN0279953ᵒ 07’.22 N004ᵒ20’.93 WFl.R(2).5s
C 8 PORTN0280153ᵒ 07’.68 N004ᵒ19’.33 WFl.R.3s
C 10 PORTN0280253ᵒ 07’.964 N004ᵒ18’.249 WQ.R
C 7  STARBOARDN0280353ᵒ 08’.18 N004ᵒ18’.13 WQ.G
C 12 PORTN0280453ᵒ 08’.50 N004ᵒ17’.38 WFl(2)R.10s
C 9  STARBOARDN0280553ᵒ 08’.55 N004ᵒ16’.92 WFl.G.2s
CHANGE BUOYS CARDINALN0283453ᵒ 08’.81 N004ᵒ16’.74 WVQ(6)+LFl 10s
SEIONT RIVERBIFURCATIONN1441053ᵒ 08’.51 N004ᵒ16’.75 WUnlit
TRAETH GWYLLTSTARBOARDN1012553ᵒ 09’.23 N004ᵒ16’.12 WFl(2)G.10s
C 13  STARBOARDN0281153ᵒ 09’.54 N004ᵒ15’.90 WFl(4)G.10s
C 11  STARBOARDN0281253ᵒ 09’.88 N004ᵒ15’.63 WFl(2)G.5s
C 14 PORTN0281353ᵒ 10’.23 N004ᵒ15’.41 WFl.R.5s
C 9  STARBOARDPORT DINORWICN0850753ᵒ 10.65 N004ᵒ13’.95 WFL(3)G.10s
1 7 8 9 10 11 35