Latest Red Diesel Guidance

Attached is a set of guidance on the use of Red Diesel that has been prepared by British Marine and the Yacht Harbour Association, and has been approved by the HMRC:
Sailing in Company since 1928
Attached is a set of guidance on the use of Red Diesel that has been prepared by British Marine and the Yacht Harbour Association, and has been approved by the HMRC:
Local Notice to Mariners Numbers 10/2021 and 16/2021 are hereby cancelled. Dredging pipe and buoy/light have been removed.
Local Notice to Mariners number 20/2021 is hereby cancelled. Isolated danger mark and the wreckage of “Second Life” has been removed.
Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc MNI
Conwy Harbour Master
Trinity House wishes to remind vessel owners, operators and masters of the contents of previously issued Notice to Mariners 19/2020. After careful consideration of the results of a comprehensive user consultation process, the General Lighthouse Authorities for the UK and Ireland have concluded that their Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) is no longer required and have made the decision that the system will be discontinued from 31st March 2022.
All Mariners are advised that Conwy Approach Channel Buoy C2 53° 17.940N 003° 54.520W is currently unlit.
Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc MNI
Conwy Harbour Master
Local Notice to Mariners 17/18/19 2021 are hereby cancelled.
The wreck of the 36 foot yacht ‘Second Life’ now lies 10 metres up river of the low water access pontoon. The wreck is marked with an isolated danger mark. All mariners are advised to avoid navigation near the low water pontoon and in no circumstances to pass inside of the isolated danger mark and pontoon. A further notice will be issued once the wreck is moved.
Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc MNI
Conwy Harbour Master
As a result of Storm Arwen three vessels broke moorings strops and are lying aground to the south of Conwy Bridge. The three vessels are anchored but are unlit and unmanned:
The vessels will be refloated when tidal heights permit. All Mariners are advised to navigate with caution if navigating up the Conwy River south of Conwy Bridge. An update will be made when the vessels are removed.
Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc MNI
Conwy Harbour Master
As a result of Storm Arwen four vessels have sunk in Conwy Harbour. All Mariners are advised to navigate with caution if entering Conwy Harbour and to avoid navigating near the pontoons. The wrecks are unmarked.
A further update will be lifted once the wrecks are removed.
Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc MNI
Conwy Harbour Master
Aid to navigation Fairway Buoy L FL10s is not on station.
53° 07’.00N 004° 25’.00W
The Aid to navigation has been temporarily discontinued for the winter.
David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master
Aid to navigation No. C1 FL.G.5s is on a new station.
53° 06’.891N 004° 24’.380W
Dafydd Rhun Thomas
Ymddiriedolaeth Harbwr Caernarfon Harbour Trust