Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 18/2021

Due to an error in relation to the position of C8 in NtoM 17/2021 please find an amended version 18/2021.

Mariners are advised that the following Aid to Navigation are now in the appropriate positions noted below.

Mariners are advised that this Notice to Mariners 18/2021 now cancels all previous Notices relating to these specific Aids to Navigation.

Safe Water Mark53° 06.75′ N004° 24.80′ WLFl.10s
C153° 07.18′ N004° 24.60′ WFl.G.5s
C253° 07.319′ N004° 24.295′ WFl.R.10s
C353° 07.25′ N004° 23.87′ WQ.G
C453° 07.16′ N004° 22.99′ WQ.R
C553° 07.14′ N004° 23.36′ WFl(2)G.5s
C653° 07.22′ N004° 21.91′ WFl.R.5s
Mussel Bank53° 07.23′ N004° 20.93′ WFl(2)R.5s
C853° 07.68′ N004° 19.33′ WFl.R.3s

The printable bar chart is also available for download:

David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 17/2021

Mariners are advised that the following Aid to Navigation are now in the appropriate positions noted below.

Mariners are advised that this Notice to Mariners 17/2021 now cancels all previous Notices relating to these specific Aids to Navigation.

Safe Water Mark53° 06.75′ N004° 24.80′ WLFl.10s
C153° 07.18′ N004° 24.60′ WFl.G.5s
C253° 07.319′ N004° 24.295′ WFl.R.10s
C353° 07.25′ N004° 23.87′ WQ.G
C453° 07.16′ N004° 22.99′ WQ.R
C553° 07.14′ N004° 23.36′ WFl(2)G.5s
C653° 07.22′ N004° 21.91′ WFl.R.5s
Mussel Bank53° 07.23′ N004° 20.93′ WFl(2)R.5s
C853° 07.29′ N004° 17.70′ WFl.R.3s

The printable bar chart is also available for download:

David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master

Conwy Marina Notice to Mariners

Due to some minor issues experienced during the routine sill gate maintenance works, we have elected to keep the sill gate buoyant during this weekend given the inclement weather, and pending further investigations works and tests. An update will be provided to all in due course.

Traffic lights will remain on RED throughout the weekend. Please contact the marina office for clearance levels above the sill gate before accessing and/or egressing the marina.

Jon Roberts
Marina Manager

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 16/2021

Aid to navigation Llanddwyn Island “South West Rock” South Cardinal, Y.B is on its appropriate station, but is partially submerged.

Position: 53°07.81′ N 004°25.06′ W

Mariners are advised to exercise extreme caution in this area.

David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 15/2021

Following recent information received by a Mariner. Mariners are advised that a significant danger to navigation is believed to exist in the Swellies and possible the wider area both Northeast and Southwest given the anchor line may fail at any time. The submerged vessel a 16’ Seahog is potentially still in or near the position

53ᵒ13.113′ N 004ᵒ10.660′ W

Mariners are advised to navigate with extreme caution throughout the Harbour Limits until the vessels location and security can be established.

David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr Caernarfon Harbour Master

Trinity House Notice to Mariners 05/2021



Latitude 53° 20.02’N., Longitude 003° 41.88’W.

The wreck, which lies sunk in the position above, has been temporarily marked by means of two emergency wreck marking lighted buoys, as follows:-

North of the wreck, in position Latitude 53° 20.099’N., Longitude 003° 41.876’W.

Pillar: Blue & Yellow Vertical Stripes: Yellow Upright Cross Topmark:
Alternating blue and yellow flashing light, where the blue and yellow 1 second
flashes are alternated with an interval of 0.5 seconds:

The word WRECK is exhibited Black on Yellow.

South of the wreck, in position Latitude 53° 19.938’N., Longitude 003° 41.876’W.

Pillar: Blue & Yellow Vertical Stripes: Yellow Upright Cross Topmark:
Alternating blue and yellow flashing light, where the blue and yellow 1 second
flashes are alternated with an interval of 0.5 seconds:

The word WRECK is exhibited Black on Yellow.

Mariners are advised to give the wreck and buoys by which it is marked a wide berth.

By Order,

Commander N. Hare,
Director of Navigational Requirements.
Trinity House,
Tower Hill,
19th April, 2021

Conwy Notice to Mariners 03/2021

All Mariners are hereby advised that the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has issued the attached probation notice.

A further notice will follow when the probation notice is cancelled.

Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc MNI
Conwy Harbour Master

Conwy Notice to Mariners 02/2021

All mariners are advised that the yacht “Allegra” has been partially raised and moved to the sandbank off Conwy Quay. She now lies to the northern end of Conwy Quay Wall in transit with the southern edge of the Civic Hall. The vessel is marked with a yellow buoy.

Matthew Forbes
MSc LLB (hons) BSc MNI
Conwy Harbour Master

Caernarfon Notice to Mariners 11/2021

Aid to navigation Port No C8 Fl R 3s is on its appropriate station.

Present position 53° 07’.68 N 004° 19’.33 W

David John O’Neill
Harbwr Feistr
Caernarfon Harbour Master

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