Apply Online – Boating Membership

Personal Details

I / we wish to apply for membership of the North Wales Cruising Club Ltd. and undertake to conform to the Rules and Bye-laws of the Club.
If a company director, state company name

Family Members

I request that the following applicants, living at the same address, be nominated for membership of the North Wales Cruising Club Ltd. and they undertake to conform to the Rules and Bye-laws of the Club.
  • An application for Full Membership for a Spouse, Partner or Crew must be on a separate form.
  • Cadets are either children under 18 years, or students under 21 if in full time education.

Partner / Spouse



Boat Owners / Regular Crew

If you are a boat owner, or regularly crew on a Full Member’s boat, please complete this section

Looking for Crew

If you are looking for crewing opportunities on Member’s boats, please complete this section

Further Information

Proposer and Seconder

Complete this section if you know two people who have been members of the Club for at least 2 years, and who are willing to vouch for you. If you do not know any current members, we can find a proposer and seconder for you, but please ensure you fill in the 'Further Information' section above

Payment Details


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